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Braces vs. Invisalign vs. At-Home (Direct-to-Consumer) Aligners

With the many advances in the field of orthodontics over the years, both adult and adolescent patients have more choices than ever when it comes to improving teeth and bite alignment. With that in mind, it is very important to understand the significant differences between some of these treatment options. Our board-certified orthodontist, Dr. Ben Chan, offers some insight into three distinct treatments below:

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces are what most people likely visualize when they think about orthodontic treatment. A tried-and-true method of straightening the teeth and correcting bite irregularities, braces involve the placement of brackets and wires along the teeth to gradually reposition them into an improved alignment. Depending on the severity of the concerns being addressed, treatment with braces can take around one to two years or longer for the best results. The brackets themselves can be made of metal, ceramic, or clear material (which can limit their visibility on the teeth). Traditional braces may be recommended in cases of particularly severe or complex orthodontic conditions, and they have proven their ability to produce excellent results for many individuals.


Invisalign® offers many adults and teenagers a much more discreet alternative to traditional braces. This option does not utilize fixed brackets or connecting wires to improve teeth or bite alignment. In fact, Invisalign® is designed to progressively improve orthodontic concerns using a series of removable aligners made of a translucent and flexible plastic material. While they need to be worn throughout most of the day and night, they can be taken out for eating, drinking, and oral hygiene routines. While Invisalign® can be used in certain cases of severe orthodontic conditions, they are more typically recommended in cases that are mild-to-moderate in nature. Invisalign® is known for taking less time to produce optimal results when compared to braces, as well as for being much less noticeable (practically invisible) and even more comfortable than traditional braces.

Direct-to-Consumer Aligners

You may have seen versions of direct-to-consumer aligners mentioned in the media or online, particularly over the last few years. These teeth alignment systems often involve a treatment process that may be completed exclusively at home, and may not require an in-person visit with a dentist or orthodontist at any stage—appointments with professionals are typically done remotely over the computer or other digital device. Some of these direct-to-consumer alignment systems involve oral appliances that are similar to Invisalign®; however, there is one big difference between them: the Invisalign® treatment process is designed to be completely overseen, in-person, by a dentist or orthodontist throughout. Adequate and precise professional supervision of a treatment that involves orthodontics is of utmost importance. Although some of these direct-to-consumer options are advertised as more cost-efficient, it is important to remember that higher costs for in-person treatment is often due to the expertise and level of service provided. Dr. Ben’s view is that the best way to achieve successful orthodontic correction is to have consistent, in-person oversight in order to provide the most precise evaluations possible and to determine how well the treatment is progressing. If cost is a concern, he notes that our practice can provide access to flexible payment plans for qualified applicants.

Ultimately, whether they involve traditional braces or other types of alignment systems, Dr. Ben believes orthodontic procedures require a good treatment and diagnosis plan from professionals who have extensive training and knowledge to identify issues and efficiently treat them. Constant oversight of treatment is important for making sure outcomes are achieved in a healthy time frame.

If you have additional questions about orthodontic treatment, or if you would like to schedule a consultation, please contact Cumberland Dental Specialists today.